Related Activities

AATRN supports three affiliated seminars: the Networks Seminar, the Topological Complexity Seminar, and the Vietoris-Rips seminar. We have also online conferences and hosted talks from ATMCS. Click on the relevant subpages for more information. 

Affiliated Seminars

Networks Seminar

The Networks seminar covers applications and theory of how network structure is revealed through topology and algebra. The webpage of the networks seminar can be found here.

Co-organizers: Daniela Egas Santander,  Henri Riihimäki, and Jason Smith

Topological Complexity Seminar

The webpage of the topological complexity seminar, which focuses on topological complexity and related topics, can be found here.

Co-organizers: Dan Cohen, Jesus Gonzalez, John Oprea

Many thanks to romullus for use of the image, taken from this fantastic model.

Vietoris-Rips Seminar

The webpage of the Vietoris-Rips seminar, which considers connections between applied topology, quantitative topology, geometric group theory, and topological combinatorics, can be found here.

This seminar ran 2021-2023, but is currently paused.

Affiliated Workshops and Conferences

Workshop on Bridging Applied and Quantitative Topology

This workshop on Bridging Applied and Computational Topology, which is associated with the Vietoris-Rips seminar, is scheduled for the week of May 9-13, 2022, at 8am-11am Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4). This workshop is organized by Henry Adams, Johnathan Bush, Sunhyuk Lim, and Facundo Mémoli.

Talks co-hosted by AATRN and ATMCS

These talks were contributed and accepted for ATMCS 9 in 2020, but this was not ATMCS itself (which was cancelled or postponed). The talk schedule spanned Summer 2020 and January 2021. Recordings can be found here.

Learning Content

Recordings of TDA courses

You can find the following TDA courses on our YouTube Channel:

Unaffiliated Activities

You may be interested in the following other resources that are not organized by AATRN:

This is a public database of real-world applications of TDA. The papers are exportable in various formats. There are three main labels (starting with 1 -, 2-, and 3 -) which explain the application areas, the mathematical tools used and the type of the inputs. In addition, some papers have the label innovate/confirm which says if the information extracted is novel (in some sense) or confirms the ones found by other (preexisting) methods. Please notify Barbara Giunti (bgiunti(at) if anything should be added or updated, or if you want to join and contribute!